Stretching our trainees in a safe environment

About The Hub

We are a Yeovil based charity offering Day Services for adults (our trainees) with learning disabilities and autism.  We believe that every individual has the right to achieve their own goals, however big or small. Supported by an incredible group of people and work coaches, we provide experiences and training that allow our Trainees to be themselves and fulfil their potential.


Our aim is for adults with learning disabilities and autism to have a good day, every day.

Our Vision:

Adults with learning disabilities and autism enjoy equal access to leisure, learning and employment, leading fulfilling lives where they can achieve their goals, be part of the community and realise their true potential

Our Mission:

We work with adults with learning disabilities and autism to provide support, training and life skills that make a meaningful difference to how independently they can live their lives.


Our values




Everything we do at the Hub is to help our trainees to become as independent as possible.  That is our ultimate goal and why we exist.


We want the Hub to be inclusive for everyone - trainees, staff and customers.  We value and respect everyone and are non-judgmental.



We are flexible in the diverse and exciting activities and sessions we run for our trainees, they can choose what they want to do and we are flexible in when trainees can attend our services.



We want to stretch our trainees in a safe environment to reach their full potential. We will support them to hit their goals and aspirations and enable and empower them to become as independent as possible.



The Hub is an accessible venue that is safe, not only for our trainees, but importantly for our customers and staff too.  We have created a welcoming, vibrant environment where everyone who visits feels safe.



We are proud that we represent and are a voice for the learning disability and autistic community and equally proud to be part of the local community, collaborating with local partners and businesses and providing a much needed and valued community hub.

Past, present and future

From humble beginnings in 2010 in a glove factory, to our fantastic present day converted bespoke premises, the Hub has gone from strength to strength. Our charity now has more trainees and work coaches than we have ever had before. The variety and quality of sessions and activities continually improve but will always remain true to our original vision to support adults with learning disabilities and autism to become as independent as possible.

The Hub charity supporting itself


In addition to our Day Services, the Hub is also home to the vibrant community Hub Cafe and Scrapstore where trainees can gain work experience and any profits we make get re-invested into our Day Services.  

Learn more about our fantastic Team here